Calpierre S.r.l. combines the quality of its products with respect for the environment.. The Organization, operating in compliance with applicable environmental laws, has developed over the years and continues to develop processes and products that reduce the impact of its activities on the environment.e. The Environmental Policy is inspired by the principles of sustainable development and correct environmental management. The primary objective in our management is the introduction of technological systems and practices which, in addition to fully satisfying all legal obligations and preventing pollution, tend towards the constant improvement of environmental efficiency. The introduction of a Management System that favors respect for the environment in all its aspects is at the same time a decisive element in the growth of the Organization. To achieve the objectives set, Calpierre undertakes:pegna:
- To include compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements that the organization subscribes to regarding environmental aspects;
- to implement and maintain an Environmental Management System that meets the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 standard;
- to choose suppliers who demonstrate that they have implemented initiatives in favor of the environment;;
- to pursue the continuous improvement of environmental performance, progressively reducing the environmental impacts associated with the performance of its activities, paying particular attention to the reduction of resource waste and waste reduction;
- to promote the responsibility and sensitivity of employees, engaged at all levels in company activities, through suitable information and training programs in order to obtain their cooperation in the implementation and maintenance of the system;;
- to intervene on significant environmental aspects, direct and indirect, relating to the latter to suppliers of goods and services, with the best economically sustainable technologies;;
- to assess in advance the environmental impacts of new processes and changes to existing plants;
- to ensure the systematic improvement of the Environmental Management System and the environmental performance of the Organization through constant monitoring..
The Management undertakes to apply and keep the Environmental Management System active throughout the Organization and to disseminate the results achieved to the stakeholders, neighbors, the public concerned, suppliers, customers and public authorities.e).